Milestone Milestone All the driving forces behind SEMIWAVE's growth are SEMIWAVE's passionate efforts that have done their best and trust from customers. 2017 12 Signed China representative with MTOS 11 Signed MOSFET agency with Alpha-mos 09 Signed PCB agency with HJ Co. 06 Signed Memory agency with ESMT 2013 10 Signed MLCC agency with Samhwa 2009 05 Biz started with Samsung 2008 12 Biz started with LG 2005 12 Signed Memory agency with Elpida 05 Signed MCU agency with FINECHIP Co., Ltd(KR) 2004 03 Established Semiwave Electronics (JP) 2002 05 Spin off Mask ROM from Samsung Semiconductor and established Semiwave. 검색 검색대상 제목내용제목+내용글쓴이글쓴이(코) 검색어 필수 검색 닫기