연혁 Milestone 그동안 세미웨이브가 성장해온 원동력은 모두 고객 여러분들의 신뢰와 최선을 다해온 세미웨이브의 열정적인 노력이라고 생각합니다. 앞으로도 그동안 쌓아온 경험을 바탕으로 고객과의 신뢰를 더욱 더 견고히 할 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠습니다. 2018 05 PiecemakersTechnology(TW) signed an official agency contract. 2017 12 Signed China representative with MTOS 11 Alpha-mos(TW) signed an official agency contract. 09 HJ Co., Ltd(TW) signed an official agency contract. 07 Registered as an official Business partner for Hynix. (BP code : 311680) 06 ESMT Co., Ltd signed an official agency contract. 2013 10 Signed MLCC agency with Samhwa 2009 05 Biz started with Samsung 02 128Mb SDRAM Development (SDS 1216AHTA-75-E) and consignment sales contracts to Minatohamaand SIAL. 2008 12 Biz started with LG 04 Received the EEPROM Distribution Contribution Award for Hynix DRAM Module from SII 03 SII Co., Ltd(JP) signed an official Korean sales agency. 2005 12 ELPIDA Memory Co., Ltd signed an official Korean sales agency. 05 FINECHIP Co., Ltd(KR) and MCU Japan Sales Consignment Sales Agreement. 2004 03 SemiwaveElectronics (JP), Establishment of a Japanese corporation. 2003 12 SSD Co., Ltd signed a MASK ROM supply contract 04 Investment attraction of 500 million won from SSD Co., Ltd (JP) 03 A consignment production (foundry) contract with Hynix Semiconductor for MASK ROM. 02 PlaymoreCo., Ltd(JP) signed a contract for development and supply of MASK RO-M and DRAM for Pachinko. 2002 05 Spin off Mask ROM from Samsung Semiconductor and established Fabless company, Semiwave. 검색 검색대상 제목내용제목+내용글쓴이글쓴이(코) 검색어 필수 검색 닫기